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[0825] Cat-Art 3





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p l e a s e  f o l l o w 👉  

Hey Carol, some more pictures of your past and my future cat.

But beginning with this one:


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>>p l e a s e   f o l l o w<<  👉

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>>p l e a s e   c o m m e n t<<   👇

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Both story and characters are, of course, completely fictitious! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



LokiLu hat gesagt…
AWWWW I LOVE it!! The first pic, so beautiful. I actually have a tattoo of a mother leopard with her kitten underneath, (just their faces) with two blue butterflies on my forearm, opposite my LOki tattoo, which I think you have seen. Then the black & white cat, what a cutie! That isnt the one you are adopting? And I recognzed Panther immediately, that paw, I wanted to take him into the vet as I am pretty sure they would look after him, but I did not want to stress him either by locking him into the cat carrier. He was feral, not just a stray. Then the car ride to the vet, plus if I said he was not mine they would keep him, I don't think he would ever be happy as a strict indoor cat, and I was worried they would deem him "unadoptable" & then what would happen to him? Which is why I ended up keeping Loki as well. He was really mean kitten & my 3 adult males were scared of him.But I REFUSED to take him to a "kill shelter" as that is what they do to unadoptable cats. My significant other & I took turns sleeping with him on the couch for the first week, while I tried to find him a home. Back to Pather tho, I still have regrets.. but i really think someone else took him in around here & still let him have his freedom. Reason 1 is the time i saw the collar on him. And two, the post on facebook with the pic, looking for "Spooky" which they called a "she" lol but I am 95 % sure it was Panther in that pic. Anyway lol here I go again with the 10 page comment. I apologize. (then she goes on to type even more lol)....And MY Krusty (RIP), he was such the little shit disturber, he would instigate fights with the other bigger cats. and when they fought back, he would make such a scene like he was getting killed lol, and I would run to see what was wrong, & literally, Loki was just sitting there with his paw lifted, so funny. I miss him so much. I wish they lived longer, its like their little bodies always give out before they do, if that makes sense.
LokiLu hat gesagt…
That black & white tuxedo kitty is really a beautiful cat. I can sense a playful & affectionate personality. I picture him snuggled up in someone's lap purring away. My heart is melting lol those little white feet! AWWWWW
Team Firlefanz hat gesagt…
And yes...that black with the withe paws will be my new one. Only that he is bigger by now. As I told: 1 year..so basically grown up

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